Creating Default Terms

You can enter different terms & conditions directly everytime you create a new Quote or Invoice, but if you have some standard terms you use, you'd be better to set up some default terms and conditions.

To do this click on the Button.

This will open a form where you can enter a name for your tems e.g. Quote Terms, and the terms themselves.

Once you've entered all of this information click the button and you'll be returned to the Terms & Conditions summary page, where you'll see a message explaining your terms have been created.

You can set up as many default terms and conditions as you like, but if you are going to Quote & Invoice out of the TradeDoor at a minimum we recommend you have default Quote terms and default Invoice terms.


Editing Default Terms & Conditions

From time to time you might want to edit your terms and conditions, for example you might want to change the payment due date of your invocies or extend the validity of your quotes.

To edit your default terms simply click on the name of the Terms you want to edit, for example say you changed banks so you need to update your bank account details in your invoice terms so they get paid into the correct account.

To do this I click on Invoice Terms, which opens up the form showing my old bank account details, and simply overwrite the old details with my new bank account details before clicking the Save button.

This will display a message at the top of the page explaining that your terms have been updated, so to return to the Terms & Conditions List simply click the .


Deleting Default Terms

In addition to Creating & Editing your terms & conditions you might also occasionally want to delete some default terms.

For example you may have a special contract with a customer that will eventually expire, so when it does you might want to delete the Contract Terms you had set up.

To do this click on the next to it

This will pop open a message asking you to confirm you want to delete the item, if you don't click Cancel, otherwise Click OK and the Terms will be no longer available for you to use.